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Want a Stylish Home Décor? Upcycle These 6 Old Items

This year, do-it-yourselfers from all over are embracing the trend of upcycling. Even though the trend is not something that’s new, it has taken on a new life in this age of increasing environmental consciousness. Upcycling involves taking old items and, instead of throwing them out, re-using them in a new way. This can be a great and fun way to make unique, original items for your Beverly hills rental home. Here are just a few quick, easy projects you can accomplish by upcycling common household items.

Vinyl Record Cake Stand

For a funky and retro way to serve up dessert, try making a vinyl record cake stand. To achieve this kitchen classic, you can glue a martini or other stemmed glass to the center of an old vinyl record. As soon as the glue is dry, flip it over and load it up with your favorite cake.

Wine Cork Décor

If you have a collection of old wine corks piling up somewhere, why not get them to make something for your house? You can glue wine corks together to create a unique frame for a photo or mirror. Or, use wine corks to make a coaster or wall hanging in the shape of your favorite state.

Game Piece Coasters

Got some broken game boards or random Scrabble tiles? Make them into coasters! Cut up the game board into squares or glue game pieces together on a piece of square corkboard or wood. You can even spell out names or words on each one if you like.

Jewelry Magnets

Broken jewelry doesn’t need to sit gathering dust. Instead, why not use it to create beautiful magnets? Single earrings, beads, gems, broaches, and more can be turned into pretty magnets by simply gluing on pieces.

Tin Can Holders

Instead of throwing away your empty cans, you can put them in creative ways to make some cool home décor. Washed cans can be painted, covered in cloth or paper, and then decorated with ribbon, string, glitter, or other stuff for a pretty pencil holder, utensil holder, or vase. Or, create an herb garden in tin cans on your windowsill. Glue or tie a few together and fill with potting soil to make a unique planter for your home.

Bookshelves for Book Lovers

If you are a book lover, you may be looking for creative new ways to display or re-use old books. One novel idea is to use books to create floating bookshelves for your wall. All you’ll need is an L-shaped bracket and a hardcover book to create a stunning display of your favorite titles.

With just a little time and creativity, you can upcycle many of the used or old items in your house. By giving your things a new life, you can easily go green and fill your home with unique and beautiful décor.

If you’re on the search for a new place to call home, check out our available rentals or contact us today.